Super Affiliate System Review — Best Affiliate Program — Affiliate Marketing

Lottie Jackson Banda
9 min readJul 31, 2022


Super Affiliate System Review. John Crestani’s Super Affiliate System 3.0 is a training program where he shows how to build an affiliate marketing business utilizing a strategy that includes customers, a website, and traffic. Super Affiliate System tutor by a seasoned affiliate marketer, and it is not a scam. First of all, do not worry. I am here to examine the most recent iteration of John Crestani’s Super Affiliate System.

Secondly, I am a digital marketer who had the Super Affiliate System course for a while, and I did not just purchase it for this Super Affiliate System review. Rest assured that you will get the inside scoop of how good John’s course is.

Who Is John Crestani?

Super Affiliate System — John Crestani

Click here to sign up for the free training >> Super Affiliate System Course.

As you may already know, John Crestani started as an internet marketer who eventually became a super affiliate (those who scale campaigns to tens of thousands of USD per day) by mastering multiple traffic methods.

He is the course creator of several versions of Super Affiliate System courses over the years (the first version sold for $5,000 back then) and Internet Jetset (product name aka IM Jetset) that taught free traffic (such as search engine optimization).

With so many training courses to promote, he decided to focus on promoting his Course — Super Affiliate System.

John Crestani is a long-time affiliate marketer with expertise in paid ads.

In the Super Affiliate System, John Crestani teaches the affiliate marketing process and the following traffic platforms: Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and YouTube Ads. There is no skill level needed to start; beginners are welcome.

Here is what you will learn in this Super Affiliate System review:

  • How this course is different from other beginners make online courses
  • The training breakdown (module by module)
  • Explanation of the resources you get in the Super Affiliate System
  • The Pros and Cons
  • If students are having success with John’s course

Super Affiliate System — The 6 Weeks Course Breakdown

Best Affiliate Program — The 6 Weeks Course Breakdown

The following languages are available for subtitles in the member area: English, Deutsche, Spanish, French, and Portuguese.

I re-watched the modules (6 weeks or 50 hours of training videos) and took detailed notes of what I liked and did not like.

Click here to sign up for the free training >> Super Affiliate System Course.

The Welcome Module

Super Affiliate System — The Welcome Module

John Crestani gives you a 35,000 feet view of what the Super Affiliate System covers, how to use the membership site, the beauty of this business model, entrepreneur mindset resources, psychological barriers, and goal setting. He tries to give you everything you need to succeed.

Week 1 — The System Setup

Super Affiliate System — The System Setup

Before you start paid advertising traffic, you need to understand this system.

The first week starts by showing you how to get set up with the major affiliate network John Crestani uses in the course: ClickBank.

Next, you will learn how to set up your website hosting and a domain name with Bluehost. (or recommended host). Once you have that setup, John will cover two ways to use his pre-built funnels (as mentioned earlier):

  1. The Click funnels Method ($19/m via a share funnel account)
  2. The Manual Method (free but involves accessing your host file manager)

The last few videos in this module are about Facebook ad campaigns.

Affiliate Marketing — Facebook ad campaigns

Click here to sign up for the free training >> Super Affiliate System Course.

Super Affiliate System — Week 2 Google Ad Campaign Training

Super Affiliate System —Google Ad Campaign Training

Google Ads is my favorite paid traffic source because you can trigger your ads to show when people search for specific keywords on Google.

That said. I know John KNOWS Google Ads (formerly Google Ads). I was expecting this module to be gold but discovered it is meh. Let me explain.

When you get to the Google Search Ads Setup video lesson, here is what gets covered:

  • How to set up a keyword search-based campaign
  • Location targeting
  • Device targeting
  • Ad split testing

Factors that do not get covered for setting up a proper search campaign:

  • Keyword match type explanation (Broad Match, Broad Match Modified, Phrase, & Exact Match)
  • Auto-bid vs. Manual Bidding settings
  • Negative keyword explanation
  • EPCs

Week 3 — YouTube Ads Setup

Best Affiliate Program — YouTube Ads Setup

This module gives you a complete A-Z walkthrough to getting your YouTube ad campaign running on the Google Ads platform (remember, Google owns YouTube).

If you do not already have a YouTube channel ready for advertising, John will get you started here.

Week 4 — Advanced Tactics

Super Affiliate System — Advanced Tactics

This module is a mixed bag of Facebook ads, ad compliance, general affiliate advice, and copywriting taught by super affiliate members that John has worked with (and trained) in the past, Ronnie Sandlin.

It is a necessary skill as an affiliate marketer for the uninitiated Copywriting is with the intent of converting a reader into a lead or customer.

The videos in this module are great, but the copywriting videos. Well, they are a bit short.

It is not a big deal as you can not practice copywriting skills from videos. You learn copywriting by practicing ad copywriting and landing page copywriting.

Click here to sign up for the free training >> Super Affiliate System Course.

Week 5 — Presell Pages & Scaling

Affiliate Marketing — Presell Pages & Scaling

Everything about this module is for scaling your affiliate campaigns and is centered around the presell page (you also get Presell page templates).

The strategy taught in this section may lead to an aha moment as you will see how internet marketers get tens of thousands of people to take action towards the final sale.

What I enjoyed the most about this module was how to split test presell pages and other optimization tactics that lead traffic to sales pages.

John shows you how to do this with ClickFunnels. He even goes as far as explaining ClickFunnels Tracking IDs, so you can tell which presell page is bringing in your conversion, which I consider a big plus.

Week 6 — Product Selection

Super Affiliate System — Product Selection

Weeks 1–5 teach different traffic channels with examples in the Biz Opp niche with John ClickBank Super Affiliate System training course as an affiliate product example.

In this module, he discusses other niches and sub-niches you can step in. The three main markets are wealth, happiness, and health.

If you are indecisive about what niche you will go after, John has a practical lesson on choosing a slot that best suits you.

He also covers different affiliate programs & networks beyond ClickBank. As you will notice, most affiliate networks for intermediates and advanced affiliates are not as straightforward as ClickBank.

Super Affiliate System — Resources

The Resources page of the Super Affiliate System includes the Targeting Data and the Pre-Built Affiliate Funnels John Crestani provides in the course, but it also includes other tools that will help you in your online endeavors.

These include resources (some training material provided in Google Docs & Sheets formats) such as:

  • Affiliate Ad Swipes — proven copy for the platforms covered in the course
  • An Affiliate Network List beyond ClickBank
  • An Advertising Network List beyond Facebook, Google & YT Ads (some include ad credits)
  • You also get Legal Resources if you encounter Facebook or Google Ad policy violations.
  • And Course Archives in case you want to watch the old version of Super Affiliate System (the other training program taught native ads & covered more affiliate networks)

Super Affiliate System — Support

I have found the Super Affiliate System support to be outstanding. You can get answers to your tech & non-tech questions in the knowledge center.

John’s team consistently updates the Super Affiliate System content with good questions asked by Super Affiliate System members. And sometimes, John answers the questions himself.

Click here to sign up for the free training >> Super Affiliate System Course.

What I Liked and Disliked About the Super Affiliate System


  • John’s teaching style is unique for paid advertising beginners.
  • Course forum for the community to interact with each other.
  • No email list or email marketing is required.
  • DFY funnels, ad templates, & targeting data
  • The traffic skills you will learn from the course will be helpful in any future online marketing endeavor.
  • There is now a 3-month payment plan for the Super Affiliate System education course.


  • Only one niche and affiliate program is an example throughout Super Affiliate System.
  • No Native Ads video lessons like in past Super Affiliate System versions
  • Some modules have some information missing that should be covered, in my opinion.

Note, Although native advertising is not a module section in the Super Affiliate System, you can still view the native advertising module because you also get Super Affiliate System 2.0 (see resources section in the membership area once you are in the course) and other training courses.

Are People Successful With Super Affiliate System — John Crestani Course?

Believe it or not (I know this is a struggle for some beginners), Super Affiliate System members are with success in the affiliate marketing industry!

John has given you everything you need to be successful in his course. It provides enough information for people to start making money once they start putting the Super Affiliate System into action. Here are just a few testimonials from the Facebook community.

Pricing, How Much Is Super Affiliate System?

Super Affiliate System — Super Affiliate System Pricing

Click here to sign up for the free training >> Super Affiliate System Course.

$997 having immediate access to the John Crestani Super Affiliate System course, and our readers now get a Monthly payment option sales page (PayPal and credit card accepted). Both come with a ClickBank money-back guarantee.

Conclusion on — Johns Super Affiliate System Review

Super Affiliate System — Super Affiliate System Review

For years John Crestani has been training affiliate marketers to grow their businesses.

Is John’s course the best affiliate program to learn about paid traffic? Because of his extensive knowledge of the affiliate marketing sector, I say it is the best Affiliate Marketing Course.

He boiled down his teachings to science and continuously with success stories in each edition of the Super Affiliate System.

This course will most likely not be the last training or community of paid advertisers you join. As you start getting the hang of paid traffic, you will realize there is still much to learn and that no one course can teach everything you need to know.

There are more ad networks and traffic channels out there that people are making a killing.

John Super Affiliate System is one of the best affiliate marketing courses you can find on the market. Although it is not perfect, John Crestani is an excellent guide for the profitable rabbit hole you have the opportunity of going through.

That concludes my evaluation of John’s course on affiliate marketing. I hope it will be helpful to you and plenty of people in the future.

Click here to sign up for the free training >> Super Affiliate System Course.

