YouTube — How does my YouTube video rank on top of the search? — How can we get more YouTube subscribers? — How much can you make on YouTube?

Lottie Jackson Banda
5 min readAug 16, 2022


We all know, that watching a YouTube video is preferable to reading a lengthy blog article. 59% of CEOs claim that watching a YouTube video is preferable to reading text. So, with many advantages to YouTube video SEO, like longer watch time, increased brand recognition, and higher leads and sales.

Search engines like YouTube and Google use the same fundamentals in their algorithms to rank websites and videos. The focus is on providing the user with the best experience possible, and YouTube video search results have now been combined with Google search results to simplify how people search.

I will walk you through some easy SEO strategies you can use to promote your YouTube videos.


Simple YouTube SEO tips to rank higher in search

  • Pick your keywords wisely.
  • Use keywords in your video title.
  • Include the keyword in your video file.
  • Optimize your YouTube video description.
  • Use video hashtags to drive YouTube search results.
  • Select a video category.
  • Customize your thumbnail image.
  • Add subtitles and closed captions.

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How does my YouTube video rank on top of the search?

  • Conduct keyword research first.
  • Choose keywords with good reach potential.
  • Use a good video title.
  • Add tags to the video.
  • Write smart descriptions.
  • Edit the file name.
  • Create transcriptions and captions for the videos.
  • Make longer videos
  • Increase CTR in search results
  • Increase audience engagement

YouTube SEO Tips

  • Rename your video file using a target keyword.
  • Insert your keyword naturally in the video title.
  • Optimize your video description.
  • Tag your video with popular keywords that relate to your topic.
  • Categorize your video.
  • Upload a custom thumbnail image for your video’s result link.

What keywords should I use for YouTube?

You will want to look for multi-word tags (i.e., long-tail keywords) that relate to your video’s topic. Use single-word and broad-term tags that relate to your video’s broader topic.

Ready to start your own YouTube success? Click here to join >> Tube Mastery and Monetization Course!

What is the fastest way to rank up YouTube videos?

If you want to rank YouTube videos fast, your description should be at least 250 words long. Include your keywords within the first 25 words. For example, the first sentence repeats your keyword 3–4 times.

Do longer YouTube videos rank higher?

Data shows that longer videos tend to outrank short videos. The average length of a video ranking on the first page of YouTube is 14 minutes, 50 seconds.

Do hashtags work on YouTube?

According to YouTube, hashtags can improve a video’s discoverability on the YouTube platform. Hashtags on YouTube work like other social media platforms (for example, Twitter and Facebook). When you click on a hashtag, it takes you to other posts that also use that same hashtag.

What hashtags should I use on YouTube?

Which hashtag is best for YouTube? The most popular hashtags on YouTube include #youtubeislife #subscriber #youtubeguru #youtubecontent #newvideo #subscribers #youtubevideo #youtub #youtuber and #youtubevideos. Use these hashtags in your Instagram, YouTube, or TikTok posts to boost your views.

How to Promote Your YouTube Videos For Free?

  • Post Engaging Videos Regularly.
  • Run Contests and Giveaways.
  • Add Your YouTube Videos to Your Website.
  • Cross-Promote With Other Channels.
  • Post YouTube Live streams.
  • Promote Your Channel on Other Social Media.
  • Add a YouTube Widget to Your Site.
  • Use YouTube Analytics.

Ready to start your own YouTube success? Click here to join >> Tube Mastery and Monetization Course!

Which videos attract the most subscribers?

  • Entertainment.
  • Food.
  • Gaming.
  • Beauty and Fashion.
  • Music.
  • Sports.
  • Science and Technology.
  • Travel.

How can I increase my subscribers?

  • Brand your video thumbnails.
  • Use YouTube’s clickable subscription tools in your videos.
  • Think in terms of playlists.
  • Showcase your content strategically on your channel page.
  • Run a contest.
  • Release videos on a consistent schedule.
  • Entice your audience over from other social media channels.

What is the best day to release a YouTube video?

The days with the highest level of engagement are Friday through Saturday and Wednesday. The best time to post, in general, is at 5 pm, though you can still get success until 9 pm before you see serious diminishing returns.

Can a YouTube channel grow without promotion?

Yes, without promotion. Also, YouTube channels will grow. All you have to do is create videos and upload them regularly.

How long does it take to get views on YouTube?

Three months. After the first week, the video slowly starts climbing up and will reach its full potential (in views per day) in 3–6 months. But some videos of mine took over a year to become slightly successful.

Ready to start your own YouTube success? Click here to join >> Tube Mastery and Monetization Course!

What makes a YouTube channel successful?

Engage off YouTube by sharing content across other channels & engaging with users who are sharing your video content off YouTube. Ask questions in the videos that specifically solicit engagement in the comments. Encourage your viewers to interact with each other through videos and comments.

How much money is 100K views on YouTube?

How Much Will YouTube Pay for 100K Views? On average, 100,000 YouTube views are worth around $500.

Achieve a higher ranking with these YouTube SEO tips

Use these YouTube SEO suggestions if you want to advertise your company on the site and increase the number of people who view your videos.

  • Choose your keywords wisely
  • Include keywords in the title of the video
  • Include keywords in the video file
  • Optimize your description
  • Use video hashtags
  • Select a video category
  • Use eye-catching thumbnails
  • Add subtitles and closed captions

Lastly, do your research just like you would for any other piece of material. Create videos that are timeless and on which you can build to expand your content library. Users will find your website and YouTube channel more frequently if you provide them with more vital information. Ready to start your own YouTube success? Click here to join >> Tube Mastery and Monetization Course!

